(where the avant-garde meets the cattle guard)
Experimental Writing
A Writer's Guide & Anthology
Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

“Write what you know, goes the adage — write from experience. But remembering that experience is the etymological origin of experiment one might also write toward what one does not yet know. Cordeiro and Lenhart's guidebook, replete with prompts and a generous anthology of trailblazers, offers a Baedeker for first-time explorers of uncharted territories.”
- Craig Dworkin, Professor of English, University of Utah
An inspiring guide to the practices of contemporary experimental creative writing, this book explores experimentation through the lens of emerging genres such as hybrid texts, creative repurposing, handicrafting, conceptual writing, minor forms, undisciplined writing, performance writing, and new media works. Combining the aesthetics, history, social context, and philosophical backgrounds of experimental work with a broad anthology of models in-book and online, Experimental Writing gives you the toolkit of techniques and skills to confidently engage with forms previously perceived as intimidating so that you can reinvigorate your craft. The textbook will provide you with a "big picture" perspective and the motivation to question the templates you work within, giving you the wherewithal to shape your own ideals for writing, no matter what your stylistic preference.
Emerging Forms: A (Dis)Orientation
Chapter 1: Hybrids
Chapter 2: Composites & Unclassifiables
Chapter 3: Creative Repurposing
Chapter 4: Handicrafting & Textual Materiality
Chapter 5: Conceptual & Visual Writing
Chapter 6: Minor Forms
Chapter 7. Undisciplined Writing
Chapter 8: Performance
Chapter 9: Digital Writing
link to online resources [coming soon]