(where the avant-garde meets the cattle guard)
Dry Safe & Together
West Virginia University Press: In Place, 2025
2018 Arizona Commission on the Arts Artist Research and Development Grant; Bill Desmond Writing Award
"Drysafe and Together"
Indiana Review, Spring 2021
"Doudouismé of Kokomo"
March Xness, March 2020
"Late Day in the Country of Eighteen Tides"
"Speak, Stalagmite"
Complete Sentence, Summer 2020
Out now! Indiana Review: Vol. 43. [link]
Featuring the essay, "Drysafe and Together." A small Louisiana island is subsiding into the Gulf of Mexico. This work of long-form journalism explores the relationship between the indigenous Isle de Jean Charles Band of Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Indians who live there and the state agency that's trying to broker an acceptable resettlement plan.
Keywords: climate resiliency, climate refugee, subsidence, ethnography, resettlement, climate writer